Golang tutorial series


1 - Introduction and Installation
2 - Hello World

Variables, Types and Constants

3 - Variables
4 - Data Types
5 - Constants

Functions and Packages

6 - Functions
7 - Packages

Conditional Statements and Loops

8 - if else statement
9 - Loops
10 - Switch Statement

Arrays, Slices and Variadic Functions

11 - Arrays and Slices
12 - Variadic Functions

More types

13 - Maps
14 - Strings

Pointers, Structs and Methods

15 - Pointers
16 - Structs
17 - Methods


18 - Interfaces - I
19 - Interfaces - II


20 - Introduction to Concurrency
21 - Goroutines
22 - Channels
23 - Buffered Channels and Worker Pools
24 - Select
25 - Mutex

Object Oriented Programming

26 - Structs Instead of Classes
27 - Composition Instead of Inheritance
28 - Polymorphism

Defer and Error Handling

29 - Defer
30 - Error Handling
31 - Custom Errors
32 - Error Wrapping
33 - Panic and Recover

First Class Functions

34 - First Class Functions


35 - Reflection

File Handling

36 - Reading Files
37- Writing Files